Maiden Newton and Frome Vauchurch

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

What facilities would we like?

SD has suggested this excellent topic. I can't actually think of anything sensible apart from a gym and changing rooms to go with the MUGA. It will be very interesting to hear what you all have to say.


  • To keep our village a village and not turn it into a Town....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, 23 September, 2006  

  • The facility to name and shame those who allow their dogs to crap on the pavement and to those who think it's funny to turn round the road signs, all of these incur costs on the council tax to have them rectified!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, 26 September, 2006  

  • I agree there is alot of bothe going on at the moment and nothing seems to be done about either.Maybe a local police officer would be a good facility as MN is getting like a Town maybe we should have our own as we did in the past....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, 27 September, 2006  

  • A Community Policeman, that's exactly what is needed. One who lives in the village, knows all the locals, businesses, problems etc and deals with them appropriately. Unfortunately, that's a dream. The nearest we will get is a Community Support Officer occasionally coming through the village. They have very few powers and the local yobs know it!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, 29 September, 2006  

  • A local taxi service and a concealed police prescence monitoring speeding through the village as they had in Frampton a few years back. Lots of drivers were fined and people noticably slow down in Frampton now.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, 30 September, 2006  

  • More off road parking facilities and banning the bloody lorries that speed through the villages,also to stop the kids speeding in thier cars late at night keeping people awake and will eventually kill someone.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, 26 October, 2006  

  • I note that the morons who have been turning road signs around in Norden Lane have now moved to the bottom end of the village to turn around the main speed limit signs as you enter on the A356. I would like to indirectly appeal to those responsible and ask them to stop their antics. I can't appeal directly because I suspect the person or people responsible wouldn't understand a simple request put into a sentence if they saw one, so please, if you know who is doing it, have a word (but keep all words to a single syllable!)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, 13 November, 2006  

  • nobody sticks to the limit's stated anyway so why bother...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, 13 November, 2006  

  • With comments like that, no wonder the village is going down the pan!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Wednesday, 15 November, 2006  

  • it's already gone down the pan,and it's true nobody does stick to the limits,and nobody does care especially the police,the signs are very annoying and can cause big problem's but i'm afraid a lot of kids don't care about the village,and to be honest it's not just the local kids doing it.There are more and more people moving in to the village that maybe have not lived in a village before,that's where the problem lies...

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, 16 November, 2006  

  • Such defeatism is what will kill this villagezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    By Blogger Deborah, at Monday, 27 November, 2006  

  • I don't think its defeatism i think people have just had enough,nothing is being done to solve any of these problems and a police presence would be a good start maybe you could suggest something that we can all do to help with the problem any ideas?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, 28 November, 2006  

  • A few polite suggestions...
    How about attending PC meetings?
    Reporting and naming the "Yobs"to the police.
    Confronting people about their behaviour?
    Contacting highways about moved signs?
    Making your views public?
    If corruption (re planning decisions) is suspected then the appropriate authorities should be contacted and the issue delved into.
    Pester authorities, they use time as a weapon, chase them up. I do this at work all the time and it works.
    There is a facility to name and shame irresponsible dog owners, it is called "The dog warden" offenders will be named and shamed in the Echo if caught
    Be a busy body, stick your neck out.
    All of the above are polite suggestions and I know that many people don't have the time/energy/confidence to do the above.
    I often feel defeated by the seeming lack of control that we have over our locality. The traffic calming scheme has affected us in a terrible way, we were told at the time that it was to enable progress through the village on a pavement without having to cross the road, ie so that children could safely walk to school. Instead the road outside our house has become a race track, we have suffered damage to the front of our house. If we need anything large delivering then it will cause traffic problems and we now have a new neighbour who, despite having bought a house with several rights of way through his garden(upheld with land registry documentation) is determined to restrict access.
    It is no good to moan amongst others who agree, argue with those who disagree.
    Sorry to go on in such a rambling way, but I have also got concerns about what this village is turning into.
    Dons tinfoil hat and hides....

    By Blogger Deborah, at Wednesday, 29 November, 2006  

  • Well said lorcansnovena,I agree with most of the things you have said,I hassle the council and councillors all the time about things which does eventually have a responce,the traffic calming is worrying as we are getting IT outside our house in FV.The problem is i think that people do try to overcome things but if we all pushed together maybe they would get further and things would be done.One of the big problems in FV is now parking and with the traffic calming being put in this will make it considerably worse.Like yourself I too am worried how much the villages have changed in such a short time and it just seems to get worse,good luck with your neighbour..SD

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Thursday, 30 November, 2006  

  • I agree with lorcansnovena. More people should get up of their backsides and shout from the rooftops!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Sunday, 03 December, 2006  

  • The trouble is the council police etc don't listen however loud you shout

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, 04 December, 2006  

  • That is such a negative attitude to have.... people do listen but are often tied by financial or political strings. If you think you could do better, put your self forward as a councillor or look at becoming a volunteer within the Police Service either as a homewatch co-ordinator or a Special Constable.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, 05 December, 2006  

  • Why is it such a negative attitude I agree with them and I also think the villages have gone down hill and all the new buildings do not help,the village atmosphere has gone and the community spirit is going as well it is a shame.A ploice presence would be good and as for your suggestion about becoming a concillor why?just so they can argue and push for a bigger car park that I have never seen full anyway instead of spending time and money on the community as a whole.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, 05 December, 2006  

  • For those of you who are genuinely concerned about the lack of community spirit in our ever increasing village. Please note that there is a very large event in the making for 2008. the theme is WWII and 1940s. A meeting was held last month, poster were put up around the village.
    If a community spirit is wanted (as it is so dearly missed and bedly needed) then put yourself forward to help. I have noticed leaflets and forms in both the hardware shop and the corner shop explaining the event and requesting help.
    If you want it go and get it, simple as that.

    Now for all the negative folk out there...

    While I appreciate and validate all your comments mentioned, may I point out, that rather than sitting indoors and moaning and groaning, whinging and complaining about all that is wrong in our village. Why not get out there and make some noise, make solutions rather than point out problems.

    The facilities are all out there... use them!

    Rather than sitting down writting on a blog, write a letter to the people who can do something about the problems mentioned.

    And while your at it. Be grateful for what this village has got, do you not realise how very lucky we all are. SHAME ON YOU.


    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, 08 December, 2006  

  • Where is your evidence that the council / police don't listen however loud you shout? I know of many people in this village who have had to call the police for a number of reasons. They have always attended and dealt with issues raised. I cannot comment on the councillors as I have not had the need to contact them, but I'm sure they don't just argue. There are times when I disagree with someone, but I still respect their views and opinions and let them know politely that I disagree. It just seems that there are too many people who sit back and blame others without actually putting themselves forward and maybe taking themselves out of their own comfort zones once in a while to make a noise. As lorcansnovena has pointed out, there are a number of ways that this can be done and it is often better to just keep chipping away at someone or something and eventually something will get done.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, 08 December, 2006  

  • You are lucky then because they have been called many times about people in the school and if they do come out it is always far too late,and for your information I don't just sit back I have always tried to contact the people concerned and have very little response,so don't just judge everybody the same.I have also attended Parish meetings and to be honest they are a waste of time as too many people are set in thier ways.I agree that more people should get involved with the future of the villages but please don't knock the people who are trying.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, 08 December, 2006  

  • To the person who said that people just sit back and do nothing I for one helped on a regular basis at the skate park as did my family to try and keep something in the village for the young did you?Its just as easy to sit back and have ago at people for not trying as it is to get off your own backside and get involved like some of us are trying to do,lets hope you don't experience the lack of support from the police and council as has happened in the past and I dare say will happen in the future,the police have admitted themselves that they have not got the manpower to cope with all the calls.....

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Friday, 08 December, 2006  

  • Well done for trying to get the skate park up and running. It's a shame it didn't become a success but it was tried, and I commend you for that.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Saturday, 09 December, 2006  

  • A path in FV the sooner the better

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, 23 January, 2007  

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