Dog problems
This is a perennial favorite topic so I have re-introduced it and included some recent comments posted on the "Suggest a New Topic" page. Well done to whoever has been putting up the notices reminder irresponsible dog owners of their duties.
• Another issue is the people who let thier dogs constantly bark,it is very inconsiderate and if you don't feel well it is even more annoying.This causes alot of tension especially when you ask them to stop and nothing is done,i think the next step is a gun for either the dog or the owner!D
By Anonymous, at 3:14 PM
• Regarding dogs, I hear dogs howling most nights at 11pm, it is very sinister and I know that I am not hallucinating. At least barking doesn't spread disease....
By lorcansnovena, at 8:03 PM
• I know but continual dog barking causes alot of tension,and is annoying when they wake you up at 6 am every morning.You hear them when you get up and when you go to bed and the gun would solve bothe problems even the mess!D
By Anonymous, at 6:24 AM
• Good point about the dogs.... first it's the barking then it's the owner shouting out using language that I would rather not have my children hear!
By Anonymous, at 7:47 PM
• I have been on to the council about the noise of my neighbours dogs just barking for the sake of it, and they just let the blasted things do it.I now have to record the time and length of time it occurs.With my veiw of the council so far this still will not get anything done about it,so the mention of the gun sounds quite a good idea!........
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 19 April, 2006
Because people don't give a damn about other's.Has anybody actually been fined for thier dog messing or are the sign's just for show?D
Anonymous, at Friday, 05 May, 2006
I think there should be a discussion on not only dog mess but also on dog noise this is in a way worse as this affects people in there home not just in the street,owner's should control there dog's from barking constantly as this does cause people alot of stress.D
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 10 May, 2006
It all comes down to money, the council employ ony a handful of dog wardens who cannot be everywhere at the same time. What needs to be done is the setting up of a local group or th eadoption of a Special Constable in the village who can then enforce the low level, but equally anti social behaviour of the local youths, illegal parking and dog foulers! S
Anonymous, at Saturday, 13 May, 2006
I agree about the community officer,this would solve some of the problem's,a proper police presence would also do the world of good but i can't see that happening.Maybe a youth shelter un MN would help as well but please not in FV as we have to put up with all the noise and urinating in the school constantly and can's thrown into my garden and our car's scratched and constant litter,which is never picked up at the annual clean up even though the majority of youth's in FV seem to come from MN.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 23 May, 2006
2230 hours and a barage of dog barking from nearby. If that wasn't enough, it set off the other two nearby. Do dog owners have selective hearing? ............
Anonymous, at Saturday, 03 June, 2006
Every bloody morning dog's barking it would be nice to be woken up by the bird's singing for a change,the main culprit's are Whitehall Terrace constant dog barking the owner's don't even bother to shut them up,why can't letter's be sent out to everybody in the villages explaining that if you own a dog to consider other's and stop the bloody thing's from barking.The concil should do something before there is a seroius incedent.S
Anonymous, at Friday, 30 June, 2006
I agree with S something should be done about the constant barking of dog's this is such an issue at the moment,summer is here and you can't sit in your garden in peace without the bloody barking and barking of these dog's.The problem are the owner's who have no consideration for other's and yes the main culprit's are in Whitehall and Natalia Terrace,maybe a letter should be sent to every resident at least the issue will be in the open and maybe it will help.
Anonymous, at Monday, 03 July, 2006
I have a dog which I walk around this lovely vilage of ours 'off lead' so quite a few of you will know who I am. My dog is extremely well behaved and I can honestly sy hand on heart that he has never messed ON a public footpath. Yes this is part training and well part the dogs choice i suppose. If he should ever start I will of course clean it up as I find this act of letting your dog mess on the path, actually quite disgusting. I too do encounter it frequently as I am walking my dog. And do worry that folks in the village will assume that it is me with my dog. Do these folk with the untrained dogs realise that they are giving a bad name to ALL dog owners? C'MON GUYS, CLEAN IT UP.
And while we are on the subject of untrained dogs, I was shocked to find a couple walking their three dogs the other evening, and laughing as one proceeded to chase the cows in the fields I then over hear one of the people say silly boy he thinks they are sheep!. I only hope they will regret allowing their faithfull best friend to do this when the farmer quite rightly shoots it for traumatising his cattle.
Sean. (and no, im not afraid of putting my name)
Anonymous, at Monday, 17 July, 2006
I see you walking your dog and i know you are not to blame for the mess your dog is well behaved and it is a shame others are not as considerate as yourself.I also have a dog and i clear any mess up and the incident with the cows i have witnessed this myself and can't believe it.
Anonymous, at Monday, 17 July, 2006
Does the dog warden deal with dog noise as well as mess?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 18 July, 2006
Yes, I am pretty sure she does. It might be an environmental health issue as well. Just phone WDDC.
The dog warden is a tough cookie and was very helpful to me when some b******'s hell hound took a chunk out of my leg.
John, at Tuesday, 18 July, 2006
Sorry but what number can i contact the warden on?
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 18 July, 2006
Incidentally - and this seems as good a place to post as any - has anyone here tried those collars that give the dog a little shock when they bark?
My Jack Russell simply won't shut up when we go for walks and it goes right through me! (and, I suspect, the residents nearby...)
She's not a young pup and had a bad puppyhood before I got her, so re-training isn't working.
I'd be interested to know if any of you have any other solutions.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 19 July, 2006
I don't know about an electric collar but i wish the people in Whitehall would use a bloody electric chair and then maybe would get some peace and quiet,the warden should post letters through the doors reminding owners to be considerate and stop there dogs barking conatantly,i have a dog myself and if it starts barking i bring it in not just leave it to bark.Pi--ed off
Anonymous, at Friday, 21 July, 2006
Awww, poor you! And that poor dog, being left to bark. I wonder if the RSPCA might be a better bet than the dog warden? They might have a better idea what you can do about it, anyway.
Anonymous, at Friday, 21 July, 2006
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