New development at the end of Stanstead Road
It is a Magna Housing development and therefore will provide relatively low cost housing for the village. It has certainly been a concern that all the recent development has been for very expensive properties - Manor Farm, Harvey's Close and the Corn Stores. This proposal and the other one next to Hill View will redress the balance a little. Of course this is of little comfort to those living nearby.
Here are some earlier posts from Tuesday 21st March:
I see the housing has got through even though there was a lot of people against it.I want to build a house so my children can live in the village do you think i would be able too,I doubt it i'm not a builder or magna and there is not enough money in it for the council(i wonder who got what out of it)it's the same in Frampton how on earth could those awful things get through obviously some one got something
2:12 PM
I wonder when the local council will allow people who actually live in MN/FV to build houses for thier families rather than outsiders,our children can't afford to live in our own villages and the council just isn't helping.We should be allowed to have propertis built to help our own but it is always decided by people who DO NOT live here H
2:17 PM
Yet more houses going up but the roads are not ready for all the extra traffic no thought as usual when will they learn,MN the new Poundbury.S
2:20 PM