Footpath in FV
It is a shame that the dangerous walk past Natalia Terrace is taking so long to be addressed. Anon posted that it was low priority. Apparently DCC has spoken to Mr Denty recently about a possible plan or two. It is hoped that a display will be mounted in FV showing the proposed scheme to all interested parties. This may happen quite soon.
The footpath scheme will involve land purchase and this could take just a few months but it could take years. The project is budgeted for "after 2008/9". This is a very long way away but if everything falls into place sooner it could be brought forward.
I had very, very narrow escapes twice with my two daughters when they were younger at this deadly location so I have every sympathy with FV on this matter.
The footpath scheme will involve land purchase and this could take just a few months but it could take years. The project is budgeted for "after 2008/9". This is a very long way away but if everything falls into place sooner it could be brought forward.
I had very, very narrow escapes twice with my two daughters when they were younger at this deadly location so I have every sympathy with FV on this matter.
The walk past my house is dangerous and living on that bit of road you DO see quite a few knocks involving cars and we have seen 2 motorbikes in total knocked off,my house hit on a number of occasions by wing mirrors and even my neighbours porch has been hit twice.The council have been asked to do something ona number of occasions and all they say is it's an A road what do you expect,when i have told them the school children walk up that way and one will eventually be killed they have said in so many words that is what it will take.As a father myself i find this kind of mentality very worrying.A path (the sooner the better)S
Anonymous, at Monday, 13 March, 2006
I agree with the comments about the road in FV,I have also rung the council about it and got exactly the same comment from them they really don't seem to give a damn.There is also very little off road parking for the residents of FV which is also a problem.The comment made about the local councillor saying that it's a low priority (you are lucky to get a responce)is also a joke when will they actually face up to the fact it is a problem and it is a peiority for people who live there and if there is a death FV will hold them responsible.
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 14 March, 2006
Another weekend of chaos my house hit by a large lorries wing mirror maybe i will start sending the bills to the council,and they might get something sorted.S
Anonymous, at Monday, 20 March, 2006
How about our path in FV that will save lives unlike new houses,but then again there is no money in saving lives is there!S
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 22 March, 2006
I have noticed that the parking outside whitehall makes the traffic come out towards the pavement and makes the road very narrow.On one side it does slow the traffic down but causes problems for people walking on the road where there is no pavement.It was said that the road narrowing in MN was for the school route,but there are children walking down to the school at the other end of the village in FV does this not make it a priority as well or are the children that end of the vilage not as important.TOM
Anonymous, at Monday, 27 March, 2006
How long does it take to sort out the purchase of land and get the ball rolling on putting a pavement in FV,new houses in MN should not take priority over saving the lives of people who already live in the villages.The council have said that it's the people's own fault for living on the A road that houses are damaged etc,how about they pay for some of this repair work that people have to get done due to there incompetence,and instead of basically saying that a death will probably make them do something sooner let one of them come down and step out in front of one of the many large lorries speeding through polluting our children's enviroment and our properties.If something isn't done soon then maybe we should take it further because we all have human right's.ST
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 28 March, 2006
When are DCC going to get thier arses into gear and get this pavement done,if it was Frampton we would have it by now they make my blood boil with thier don't give a damn approach for gods sake DO IT!S
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 11 April, 2006
There is a meeting on the plans for the pavement on the 10th may,this is at the youth centre....
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 19 April, 2006
Lets hope they hurry up then,it can't be done quickenough.
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 19 April, 2006
Still no responce with the purchase of land yet,when will they start the ball rolling we are getting fed up with waiting for at least a sign....
Anonymous, at Friday, 21 April, 2006
The meeting took place last night about the path in FV it was the same plan that was put forward in 1991 which was rejected,and i can see why.How come Frampton has a fortune spent on thier path's but FV has to make do with a shabby and cheap solution which does nothing but cause resident's grief but keep's the council happy because cost's are low.The people who come up with these plans must live on a different planet,they are just moving one problem to another place.From the feed back so far i think the plan has been snubbed by alot of resident's apart from the people who live in Natalia terrace and half of Whitehall terrace,if this is the best they can do then god help us!
Anonymous, at Thursday, 11 May, 2006
Yet again the council can't get anything right,does the person who drew the plan's for the pavement have any idea about the problem's they will cause.I think i could have come up with a better plan than this,the resident's have been completely ignored(as usual)apart from thr chosen few who will do very nicely out of it thank you very much.This plan is not for safety but for cost,if they can't do better then why bother at all.D
Anonymous, at Friday, 12 May, 2006
The plan for the pavement is completely nuts the problem is the road will not be wide enough where they are leaving it narrow large vehicles will be up on the pavement,and letting Natalia Terrace keep paking outside there houses is a joke this willcause even more problem's.the few that will not be allowed to park have had the piss taken out of them by the council if one can't park then stop them all.Where drives are able to be built let people do it as this will solve some of the problems about getting car's off the road,if not the pavement should be shelved or get a proper planner to do the job not the idiot that has done this,another point is this is an exact copy of the one in 1996,this was rejected and i think this one should be also.DDC could not organise a pi-- up in a brewery....
Anonymous, at Saturday, 13 May, 2006
There has been alot of talk about the new pavement plans in FV and to be honest i'm not surprised,the council have obviously gone for the low cost option without any thought for the resident's and certainly not seen that the plan will just cause more problem's in the long run.The main issue will be the parking,yellow lines planned will just cause more car's to park in the school raod which is already congested,which is stupid as coaches for the school and lorries already have trouble,also this will just mean parent's picking up thier children will have to park further up the raod where there is also no pavement.Overall the plan's are a joke and the problem's it will cause outway the actual path.the resident's will also suffer as people will not be able to park outside thier houses causing a drop in value.The bank they were supposed to be taking and are now not will make the road so narrow that lorries will end up on the new pavement just to get by.The council should consider providing off road parking for the people who will lose out,but overall they should think more about getting it right rather than cost,if it were Frampton then cost would not come into it.ST
By Anonymous, at Friday, 12 May, 2006
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 16 May, 2006
The pavement plan is a non starter,it will actually cause more problem's with parking and congestion.The council has not thought it through at all,it will also de value certain people's houses which doesn't seem to bother them either,what would they think if it was outside thier own home,it would probably be much better or if it was Frampton there would not be the element of cost .P
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 16 May, 2006
I can't believe the council's lack of thought that has come up with a totally stupid plan for the pavement.The knock on effect will be mad,more congestion less parking and houses bound to be hit by lorries,the narrowing is stupid it's not wide enough for lorries to get by and the parking at Natalia Terrace will just cause a back log of car's,the pollution will be ten times worse than it is now.The school is in FV so you would think that more time and money would be spent on getting it right,once again the council are on another planet,try asking the people it will effect the most on how to make it work,if not please don't bother with one at all.D
Anonymous, at Monday, 22 May, 2006
Does anybody remember the plan's of 1996,this new plan apparently is exactly the same,which may i say was mentioned by a MN resident and not from the FV parish meeting i wonder if they thought people would have forgotten by now,niether of the councillor's there mentioned this either how convenient.The original plan was rejected and i can see why,no thought and not enough money.
Anonymous, at Monday, 22 May, 2006
If it down to purchasing the land then it could take a while as i for one will not be eager to give up any looking at these plan's.The council have already taken some of our land once for pavement's and i am sure i will not be that obliging this time as i am going to be penalized the most from it,they can quite frankly sod off.ST
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 23 May, 2006
I think that it should just be shelved,it will cause more hassle than it will improve it.Overall a poor effort to solve a big problem....
Anonymous, at Thursday, 25 May, 2006
I have contacted the council about the plan's for the footpath but as yet have not heard from them,this is usually the case when you are trying to make a comment about the plan's that don't agree with what they think...
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 30 May, 2006
Another weekend of parking chaos in the school road,this is going to get worse if the pavement goes ahead,Natalia Terrace buse it Whitehall use it and other's further up in the village all seem to park in this road,it just keep's getting worse when will the council see this and do something about it as the school will suffer and it is dangerouse for all
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 30 May, 2006
The parking is bloody stupid now in FV something need's to be done,for god's sake let people have off road parking where possible,this would at least be a start to helping the problem.D
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 31 May, 2006
I agree the new pavement plan is just crazy,just moving one problem to another place the council should be ashamed of thier poor effortD
Anonymous, at Monday, 05 June, 2006
I have contacted mr Green about my concern's about the pavement he has offered to have a meeting about the issues,the only problem is this was a few weeks ago and still no date D
Anonymous, at Friday, 16 June, 2006
When is the thing going to get started,the sooner the better,the road is getting worse and the traffic just shoots past,there is more and more bloody traffic especially lorries and some that stink to high heaven this can't be good for the residents,once again the council does sod all.....
Anonymous, at Thursday, 05 October, 2006
I agree lets get this moving it is just getting worse when do we get a priority on this soon it will not be worth it....
Anonymous, at Thursday, 26 October, 2006
I have sent an e-mail to the council over it,if others do it might help speed things up...
Anonymous, at Thursday, 02 November, 2006
Has anybody heard any more about the path it seems to have gone very quiet,lets hope they hurry up it is needed molre than ever now with all the new buildings in MN ...
Anonymous, at Sunday, 19 November, 2006
Nothing more has been said about it,maybe the residents of FV are not as important as the residents of MN they have thier road calming already,sadly FV is a small parish without much clout and importance it will probably take a serious accident or even a death before they get on with it and then sadly it is too late.PD
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 29 November, 2006
Does anybody know what the position is now with the footpath as it has gone very quiet the residents of FV seem a low priority as do the school children
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 20 December, 2006
the path has probably been forgotten about,the enlargement of white horse car park is probably more important or maybe the road calming scheme in MN needs something more added.When are the residents of FV going to be looked after a path that will save lives is surely more important than most things going on at the moment,forget the all weather court why has the money not been put towards getting the well overdue path on track..PO
Anonymous, at Thursday, 11 January, 2007
Why are there no pictures of FV on the Blog,surely pictures of the so called place where the path is going to go would be a good idea and maybe get a few people interested in pushing for it....
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 16 January, 2007
Yep. Good idea. I'll get a photo and post it tomorrow. Don't forget the meeting this Friday in MN Village Hall about traffic. 7:00 pm
John, at Tuesday, 16 January, 2007
any news on the photo as i think this is a good idea also.I am also afraid I couldn't get to the meeting on Friday was there anything mentioned about the path ?and will the notes be published.Many thanks PO
Anonymous, at Saturday, 20 January, 2007
Have had to wait for it to stop raining before I take a pic. Should be there soon.
The meeting at MN Village Hall:
There was a lot about the speed of traffic coming into MN from the east, about the chicane and a bit about parking. Nothing exciting or particularly important.
As to the really serious issue of the path in FV the Dorset County Council representative said that no progress had been made and that it would go ahead when funding had been "identified". But....wait for it...we are talking about a minimum of five years before anything is likely to happen.
Mr Letwin said that he and everyone else should keep on at DCC to get a move on.
Frankly, unless FV takes to the streets and blockades the road at this point in protest, we might as well forget it.
John, at Saturday, 20 January, 2007
How come that the council are willing to buy the front gardens of residents in MN but unable to start the purchasing of land in FV once again FV second best and not important this just rubs salt into the wound....
Anonymous, at Thursday, 25 January, 2007
I agree why the hell can they say the funding is not available yet offer to buy more frontage in MN they already have a path FV is once again ignored and now 5 years when the original time stated was 3 DDC need a kick up the arse and treat FV path as a priority,but they don't have to live here do they so they don't give a damn about us.
Anonymous, at Thursday, 25 January, 2007
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