The Maiden Newton/Frome Vauchurch divide
I have republished all the sensible posts as a single comment.
My position on this divide is that, at some levels, there is one; that there shouldn't be one; that a joint parish council would fix the (relatively) important parts of the problem. I doubt if it would remove all of the rivalry but it would take away most of the bad feeling (and I do not wish to overstate this - it is more a case of minor irritation). However problems over when and where things happened in the two villages such as road improvements and facilities for our children would mostly disappear or a least the decisions about such things would involve both villages and be open to scrutiny.
My essay on the subject, a couple of years ago, gave the argument for such a joint parish council. The argument was presented in good faith and it is a pity it was viewed by some as an outright attack on FV, which it never was.
The argument for the status quo is understandable and honorable. It is simply a case of FV wishing to retain its independence. However it is my belief that this comes at too high a cost.
I will finish this by reminding the reader that the views expressed above are entirely my own.
My position on this divide is that, at some levels, there is one; that there shouldn't be one; that a joint parish council would fix the (relatively) important parts of the problem. I doubt if it would remove all of the rivalry but it would take away most of the bad feeling (and I do not wish to overstate this - it is more a case of minor irritation). However problems over when and where things happened in the two villages such as road improvements and facilities for our children would mostly disappear or a least the decisions about such things would involve both villages and be open to scrutiny.
My essay on the subject, a couple of years ago, gave the argument for such a joint parish council. The argument was presented in good faith and it is a pity it was viewed by some as an outright attack on FV, which it never was.
The argument for the status quo is understandable and honorable. It is simply a case of FV wishing to retain its independence. However it is my belief that this comes at too high a cost.
I will finish this by reminding the reader that the views expressed above are entirely my own.
I entirely agree with your comments,and surely if it ever did happen some of the FV parish meeting people would be on the MN parish council anyway which i think would be alot better.It is hard to get this across to certain people,I can see bothe sides of the story but i think at the end of the day the well being of the residents should take priority.S
Anonymous, at Wednesday, 08 March, 2006
lorcan.. said...
When did the "MN/FV divide" begin? I have had a foot in both camps, so to say, and it has passed me by.
I used to be on the Youth Centre Committee and it mainly consisted of residents of Maiden Newton.
4:48 PM
Anonymous said...
Sorry about that (Anon referring to a deleted post I had to remove, John) but it's funny how some people are able to get things passed and others are always declined.Doing things by the book seem to get you nowhere,its not just in FV this happens people have got drives in MN also which I wonder how they got passed.The new houses in Frampton for example how on earth did they pass them.It does certainly seem odd that certain people get away with things but then again I suppose that's polotics for you.FV has little building and should be allowed to have more planning passed as it is essential that children are allowed to buy in the village instead of moving away just to be able to afford a place to live.House prices are soaring in Dorset and MN residents seem to be able to benefiet from this while yet again FV residents just have to suffer with extra traffic,after all the school is in FV (even though for some reason it's address is MN)no surprise there though they can seem to pick and choose which parts they want.I hope this is an acceptable comment.Many thanks
7:39 AM
8:47 PM
John said...
Absolutely fine. Still very anonymous though! The only house proposed in FV recently was turned down. If I recall correctly it was objected to by a neighbour and FVPM. Of course each proposal should be treated on its merits and if no-one wants to build in FV no-one can make them. I am sure it is not a MN conspiracy! Actually, and I may be wrong about this, the last three houses proposed in FV were objected to by FVPM and two of them turned down. I will check this out.
An interesting fact is that not just the school but all the houses in Chilfrome Lane have a MN address.
8:47 PM
Anonymous said...
I agree with alot of the comments made by anon concerning planning in FV and I feel that FV is always let down by lack of investment and opportunity,and they have hit the nail on the head concerning the children in the village,it certainly seems that MN are too good to have anything for them in thier end (can't put up with the noise or trouble maybe)so we will shove it in FV.It is also funny how the school has a MN adress when it is in FV I can see why there is so much bad feeling between the two parishes.May i take this opportunity to say it is nice to have the Blog site and hope it does very well
8:48 PM
John said...
Thanks for the kind words about the blog.
Very interesting Colin. I wonder what opportunities you think FV needs and what sort of investment? Do others in FV want such things? If FV wanted affordable homes, for example, there is nothing stopping them approaching Andy Lloyd, Rural Housing Enabler from Dorset Community Action.
As to why the school’s address is Maiden Newton no doubt the Post Office felt that it would save a great deal of confusion. I always tell people that my children go to school in MN not because I am not perfectly happy that they go to school in FV but because, with respect, almost no-one would know what I was talking about.
I have heard before the idea that FV is put upon by MN with regard to the Youth Club etc.. It is a sad charge and wholly without foundation. Here is why.
The Youth and Community Centre is in FV not because of a plot by MNPC or MN residents to put it there but by historical accident – that is where the most suitable building happened to be. Similarly for the Skate Park.
The playing field, which to some extent and increasingly in the future is connected with the Youth Club, belongs to, and is still being paid for by, MN. It was acquired under lease and later purchased by MNPC with the active support and under the chairmanship of two respective councillors who lived, not in MN, but FV.
FV has children too. According to the most recent census more than their fair share (well done FV, keep it up). They have “high spirits” too which they sometimes bring to MN.
The Youth Club is not near anyone’s house and it is difficult to believe that it causes a great deal of disturbance to houses 150metres away.
Most communities have buildings, businesses and institutions other than private dwellings. That, really, is what makes them a community rather than a dormitory. All these things entail some cost as well as undoubted benefits. There may be more traffic, more noise, more litter and more general aggravation. Living in the middle of busy MN I know what I am talking about – early morning deliveries, late night revellers etc., not that I mind particularly, it is just village life. If FV wishes to enjoy all the services provided within the greater community then it must be prepared to share the minor inconveniences and irritations that such services always bring and it would be unfair to expect them all to be born by the people of MN.
9:34 AM
8:48 PM
Anonymous said...
As a resident of FV i am fed up with this constant bickering from people about the divide the villages are what we make them and some people seem to forget that they were young once,I do agree with the traffic problem but hopefully the new pavement will solve some of this,I also have a few arguments over certain things to do with building in FV but maybe this will change with time,john has done more than most for bothe villages,putting peoples views across in an unbaised way and i for one appreciate the hard work he puts in. S the man in the yellow house
9:53 AM
8:49 PM
Anonymous said...
If that is the case with the post office then what is the point having any address in FV.Regarding the playing field youth club etc,i still would like to know what MN has for children (the train station maybe)they are happy to moan about them hanging around there maybe if they had a shelter in that area it may help who knows,and if it is put in FV people might not know where it is COLIN
10:45 AM
8:49 PM
John said...
I always respect Frome Vauchurch addresses, it would be a shame to lose them. The same cannot be said for many Frome Vauchurch inhabitants. A good half of the FV planning applications have a MN address given and I have met people from FV who genuinly think they live in MN.
I think you missed my point regarding village facilities. To complain that MN does not provide youth facilities makes no more sense than to complain that FV does not provide a post office or a pub. People from FV come to MN to go to the pub, post office, shops, village hall etc and people (youths) go to FV for the Youth Club. There is no difference in principle.
If you would really like to know what facilities MN are provides for children then there is the Play Area which is run by MNPC and paid for by MN rate payers.
Of course if we had a joint parish council...
3:55 PM
8:50 PM
Anonymous said...
I am a resident of MN and to be honest I have sympathy for residents in FV.I can shop anywhere it doesn't have to be in MN but OUR children are educated in FV so why can't they get a bit of credit for doing their part for the community,even I think this is stupid putting a MN address it's mad.Also MN SHOULD have more for children one park for young children not teens,after all it is us that is having all these new damned houses built so why not a shelter for the older child,your argument isn't fair FV has it's fair share for all ages I think we are getting abit to big for our boots in MN are we trying to be another Franpton I hope not!And another thing why instead of re doing the road to the church did the money not go on a pavement for FV as this would have been far better use of it,maybe by some chance it was something to do with yet more new houses.I am sad to say that mn seems to be the main culprit in causing the FV/MN devide.SAM
8:10 AM
8:50 PM
Anonymous said...
There has always been a divide between the two parishes,and it looks like it will remain for some time, people don't have a lot of time for SOME people in FV i think it was said but i'm sure the feeling is mutual
12:56 PM
John said...
I will reply to Sam's post shortly.
I suspect that the MV/FV divide goes back to the year dot. Any first year anthropology student would confidently predict rivallry to the point of bad feeling between two villages so close together that most people think of them as one.
I wonder if the SOME in Anon's post are the same SOME I am thinking of. I certainly had an interesting time when I published my, now notorious, essay suggesting that the two villages should have a joint parish council.
With the interest shown on this blog I guess it is about time I published the new extended, director's cut version.
8:23 PM
Anonymous said...
I for one remember the article mentioned and as i said at the time i think it was good, I for one would love to see the uncut version I would like to see the two parishes bickering come to an end but sadly i think this is most unlikely.We all have the same needs at the end of the day and with the decision looming about the gypsy site i think we need to show a united front,we really need to start thinking about the future of all residents MN and FV alike as village life is becoming a thing of the past with little outside help.It would be nice to support each other in decisions on all our futures and our childrens who will hopefully carry on where we left off.S
7:37 AM
John, at Thursday, 09 March, 2006
As someone who lived in FV until about 28 years ago (blimey I've just scared myself)what's all this Little Britain kerfuffle about a divide. It wasn't like that in my day, mind you the memory is going..... Is it not just the age divide and NIMBY . And the ,"I'm alright it's everyone else who's not" problem.
Rumour has it that someone in Station Road doesn't like so and so in Dorchester Road. No really thats just nonesense but you see thats how these things start......
Life is not a dress rehearsal!
Anonymous, at Friday, 10 March, 2006
Anonymous, at Monday, 13 March, 2006
It's nice to see that there isn't any bad comments on this blog,maybe it's a start for a peace treaty
Anonymous, at Monday, 27 March, 2006
No but there is still alot of bad feeling,this will not be resolved untill FV has a bit of time and money spent on it instead of being ignored.H
Anonymous, at Thursday, 30 March, 2006
We know that FV is basically left behind with alot of thing's but the only way around this is to combine forces.Some people i have spoken to are very wary of this and wonder what if any improvement's will be made in FV. I personally can't say because i don't know.But i can say that nothing is being done for us at the moment and all the time we stand alone i can't see anything changing.I am pretty fed up with alot of thing's in FV but my feeling is that if nothing changes soon the only way out is to move,if people start to move out then the school will have even less children than it has now.I think young families are put off from buying here for the simple reason the road running through the villages and i have heard that some people will not buy where there is a chance of the traveller's site,all in all the village life is pretty depressing,and there doesn't seem to be much being done to improve it.ST
Anonymous, at Thursday, 30 March, 2006
I have been in MN now for four years and was anitially so pleased to see such a community spirit. That was until I read about the MN and FV divide, of which I think is damned right rediculous. When are you people going to stop being such stick in the muds and snap out of the 'your village,our village' attitude. If the two village PCs combined then naturally they would be stronger and more could be done with a more effective result, and will be able to please more people.
Maybe i have a head to old for my shoulders but what about village fetes, ect. My god Frampton have got the right attitude. and such an overwhelming communitee spirit which puts us all to shame really.
Come guys, this is a lovely village with many many lovely people, quite the bickering (isnt life short enough).
Sean (still not afraid of puting my name down)
Anonymous, at Monday, 17 July, 2006
I don't think so you have only lived here 4 years i have lived here over 10 and it has always been the same it goes deep and a long way back from what i can understand and the council don't help issues either the biggest problem seems to be planning and MN get nearly everything they want planning wise(i think we all know why) while FV get very little through even though the school is in there parish.I agree a single parish makes much more sense but i can't see it happening to many people set in their ways.S
Anonymous, at Sunday, 27 August, 2006
Don't worry MN will swallow FV and any other village in it's way as it keeps expanding,MN is getting to large and all residents are getting fed up with it,wise up before you kill the villages off,with more pollution and carnage....
Anonymous, at Saturday, 16 September, 2006
Its started we are now getting the after affect of all the new building in MN we are being overrun by the overflow parking keep your cars in your own space we have enough problems of our own....PD
Anonymous, at Sunday, 08 October, 2006
Not only cars but now 2 lorries,MN are taking the mick,no wonder there is a divide this kind of thing is making it worse.MN should stay by themselves and then maybe they will respect the residents of FV instead of abusing them,keep your vehicles to yourselves.SS
Anonymous, at Tuesday, 10 October, 2006
2 lorries parked in FV again it is a joke MN should not pass the parking problem on to us we have enough problems already keep it in your part of the village....
Anonymous, at Saturday, 14 October, 2006
We are not divided any more we are united FV now the overflow car park for MN.....
Anonymous, at Saturday, 04 November, 2006
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